Beautiful DIY White Wreath

Beautiful DIY White Wreath – Coffee Filter Wreath



Coffee Filters

Hot Glue

Any plain wreath – I used a Styrofoam Wreath

Accent Flower or Bow (Be Creative) – I made a burlap bow for mine.

Wire – to make a hanger


First, you are going to fold your coffee filters.

Step 1: Fold the coffee filter in half then fold it in half again.

Step 2: Put glue on the bottom tip of the coffee filter and glue it to the ring. Repeat this and place each filter very close together on the front side of the ring only, this way it will lay flat on your door or wall.

When you have finished gluing the coffee filters on you can fluff it out.

Take a piece of wire however long you need and push it through the wreath and twist together forming a loop. Place the bow or ribbon, wherever you prefer on the front.

Enjoy your beautiful wreath!

Thanks To Nicolette For This Great Wreath!